We all said there are too many Capitals in this game that we can simply create more and more and people have been asking and always I read about how fun it was when Capitals was used on a last resort sort of thing.
WTF This dude is nuts! Capitals only with moon Ore?ĬCP want conflict drivers correct? We have been asking for conflict drivers correct? It is because you can Mine Moon Ore and you need moon Ore because Capitals and above can only be built with moon Ore minerals. Why would you want to live in a 0.1 when you could live in a 0.2 or 0.3? Just like the jump required from 0.5 to 0.4 mining question, there should be one for Low sec into Null sec. Remove Moon mining from High sec and only allow Moon mining in 0.1 and below. Let's be honest here that AFK Moon mining should never have been a thing in High sec where you can't kill an Orca unless you bring shocking loads of Talos to kill it. This has completely stopped to the point we mine only in Astroid belts now and most of my big Orca guys have stopped playing the game. We had spreadsheets with people Athanors POP and Pull timers so that we can mine other peoples Ore before they could mine it. They hate having to lug the moon ore to trade hubs and have since stopped mining moon ore completely.Įxample: We used to have 20-30 Orca pilots online at any time of the day mining 23/7. I run a 500+ Corp in High sec and most of my pilots are indy people. High sec moon mining should be removed completely because no one will do it with the new cores coming in and also you cant compress it so it is a logistics nightmare.
Of course, other pirate Alliances might attack your miners and Indy people so you naturally create Conflict in low sec between the low sec entities. Low sec entities will have to start helping specific indy corporations or even have an industry wing that they must protect to extract the resources. If low sec entities kill every miner coming into low sec we will have a shortage and so more in-depth gameplay has to happen. It also means that every high sec and low sec is important to the grand plan. If you only want to AFK Mine then sure do this in High sec. What this does is simply help push Industry people into actually wanting to go into low sec and form friends with Low Sec groups because there are better ores out there.
0.1 Golden Omber and Pristine Jaspet Added. 0.3 to 0.2 Golden Omber and Pure Jaspet Added. If you mine in Minmitar Low sec you get access to Golden Omber but you also get access to Jaspet. You see just like with High sec there is a very specific Ore in low sec and just like in High sec it also scales. If you can get Golden Omber in 0.5 why would you mine in 0.4? The lower your sec status of the system is the better Ore is and the bigger the rocks get. Mining would have to be done in Minmitar space because if it does not happen, we as in everyone will have a shortage of Isogen in some time. What if you could only mine Omber in Minmitar space and Omber gives you only Isogen and very little Tritanium. The biggest issue is that we currently have massive stocks of Minerals correct? You should have specific ores in them that can only be found in that specific region and security space. High sec has 4 regions, Low Sec has 4 regions, Null Sec has 8 NPC Null secs and WH has 6 classes. We select a character based on this when we start the journey into New Eden but that has no consequence in the game. You currently have 8 Minerals and 9 Gas Clouds which is 17 resources for creating items minus the trig stuff.ĬCP you need to look at your regions of space that you have as separate entities: Amarr, Minmitar, Gallente and Caldari. I feel this is missing in the game and I know CCP did away with the Moon Ores having all the null minerals that should have never been allowed in the first place but I think they should go further. This created great content for the low sec entities as a bit of cat and mouse was going on and was fun. Miners or manufacturers would still try and ninja mine it. I remember Zydrene being like gold dust when building things because you could only get it in low sec (or so I thought at the time) and that was a scary place. If no one mined in Minmitar space then there would be a shortage of a specific mineral on the market and created issues. We had people spread out over high sec and low sec more due to the scarcity of specific minerals and so the mining that new player did, helped the economy because the minerals were needed to build things. It seemed to work for me but I could be wrong. I'm not complaining and it's just something that has been playing in my head for nearly 2 years. This is just my thoughts put into a post. Ok before we get started please have an open mind.